Resisting change is in our butt but. But I can’t. But not now. I love you, but -. Vitality, the moving
power to embrace the future, is also in our buttocks, ass, or buns. A bun dance. The ass end dance. But a void
dance butt avoidance invites re-done-dance. The trance-end-dance is how we end our trance, our impotence,
and get our butt in gear. Thus we achieve transcendency trance end and see.
Some forms of the dance enter English from the German form ‘Tanz’. We might call this germAngelish. For instance,
the word ‘instance’ – in stance; in his tanz, or dance. Or resistance – resist dance; re-cyst dance;
put our impulse to move under restraint; put our ass in a sling. Impotence – I’m poor and tense; I’m a poor
dancer. And the simple ‘quittance’ – quit dance.
But if we don’t know whether to be still, or to shake our booty booty – a synonym for treasure, we can always
ask for guidance. The guide dance. Good, U and I DANCE; God, you and I dance.
“When true simplicity is gained; to bow and to dance we shall not be ashamed; but turning and turning shall be our
delight; for by turning and turning, we will come round right.”
“Dance, then, wherever you may be; for I am the Lord of the Dance, said He.”
“How shall we know the dancer from the dance?”
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Angelynx. A divination deck. John Sacelli. Chris Deschaine.