DRUGS - lose reality, lose grounding
DE-RUGS - pulls de rug out
COCAINE - co-Cain, dis-Abel; partner in crime
WHISKEY - whisk key; sweep your troubles away
There are many ways to lose our grounding, our place in life:
Ale – ail. Ail your problems disappear.
Amphetamines – am fed a means; overcoming normal inhibitions or obstacles by burning up the body.
Bloody Mary – bloody marri-age.
Cocaine –moral disease; dis-Abel: partner in crime
Cocktails - cock tales; told by both women and men.
Dope – dope!
Heroin - be a hero-in your own mind.
Marijuana - marry wanna; need for intimacy.
Martinis - mar tinys; little flaws erased.
Wine - whine. Drown your complaints.
When we are rooted in our own life and purposes, co-operative spirits surround and literally ‘inspire’ in-spirit us;
when we are not, other, darker spirits drive us down.
Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are still drugs:
Aspirin? Aspire (breath) in; calm down. That headache of yours is telling you you’re getting pulled in too many directions.
Dramamine? Just who’s drama is it? Drama mine.
Caffeine? Careful of the ka (spirit, soul) fiends.
Nicotine? Nick o’ teen - holding onto youth; demons of youth.
Drugs do not heal diseases; they cause diseases dis-eases, makes life harder.
What is not easy in our hearts, conscience or consciousness after a time becomes hard in the body; that is, crystallizes into disease:
Acne - aak! ne-ed! Fear of inadequacy; not ready to face the world.
Aids - Aides. Fear of being alone; pleading for help.
Arthritis - Art the right is-t. Rigidity; righteousness; inflexibility.
Bacteria - back to previous era; backed up area; back to earth. Inability to release the past.
Chicken pox - curse of fear.
Cancer - can, sir! - but can’t. Attempt to live by other’s standards.
Cold - cold. Emotional withholding; frozen emotion.
Diabetes - die a beat-ease. Beaten down by life.
Fevers - fee vers-us; pay for overheated conflict.
Flu - flew. Desire to escape.
Heart disease - hart disease; loss of a deer one.
Mumps - mum-pops; conflict between parents manifests in children.
Pain – pay in. Cost of not paying attention. Cost of paying for drugs.
Pneumonia - new moan-ia. New pains on top of old ones.
Virus - vie ‘r’ us. Conflict with others or within self..
Wounds – woo ends. Loss of innocence, romance.
Don’t need beer be ‘ere to be here now. What are the drugs - physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - which substitute for vitality in your life?
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Angelynx. A divination deck. John Sacelli. Chris Deschaine.